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Editing aeroportal data

Creating sessions

Typically you will want to group runs together, for example by test, by creating sessions and then assigning runs to these sessions.

  1. With Use Cloud set to True click on Load FIT files.  Log in if requested.
  1. Click on Edit sessions to open the Sessions dialog box.
  1. Click on Create New Session to create a session.
  1. Enter an appropriate name for the session then click Save.
This new session will now be available to assign to runs.

Assigning runs to a session

You can change the session associated with a run by editing the run information as described below.  The sessions you created in the step above should all appear in the drop-down menu of the file details dialog.

Editing run information for a single run

  1. With Use Cloud set to True click on Load FIT files.  Log in if requested.  The following form will show listing all of the runs available.  Against each run is shown either Cloud or Local: If Local is shown then you have already downloaded the run locally.
  1. Select a run by clicking on it then either click Edit or right-click on the run. It will open this form.
  1. You can edit the Session, Run Description, Run notes and Used values which are the parameter values that aeroworkbook will use for calculations.
  2. Click Save to update the information in the aeroportal database for that run.

Editing run information for multiple runs

  1. Select multiple runs that you want to edit, then either click Edit or right-click on the runs to edit them.
  1. The same File details form will open as before. Here you can only edit session, and Used values  Values that are common for your runs will show in the dialog.  Where values differ the associated field in the form will be blank.
  1. Click Save to save these edited values for all runs.

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Editing Aeroportal data

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